This past weekend’s Parade of Homes was a huge success. Despite a rainy start on Saturday morning, we saw attendance of about 200 – 250 guests throughout the two day event.
The whole crew pitched in getting the house ready including our sub contractors putting in the final touchs late Friday night and our gracious home owners bringing potted plants, table cloths, and refreshments Saturday morning.
We had about two dozen folks return to the house for a second and sometimes a third visit bringing their friends and family to show them their favorite features of the project. Most of the people mentioned that this was one of their top two houses on the Tour.
An added benefit of participating in this annual charity event (put on by the NVBIA and our various sponsors) is the amount of qualified potential clients who would like to further discuss having us build them a home or help with a remodeling project in the near future.
We hope to bring any one of those projects online for next year’s Parade of Homes.
We’ll be writing up a brand new case study about how we tackled the problems and challenges we encountered, but for now you can view some photos of the various phases of construction for this beautiful home: